Negotiators from the Contact Group’s security group continued to discuss the parties’ proposals, coordinates of potential areas and a draft Supplement to the Framework Decision required for the implementation of further disengagement, the DPR MFA’s press service reports.

“The process of agreeing on new areas, as well as supplements to the Framework Decision, is rather intense. Shortly before the meeting, the Ukrainian side made provocative adjustments to the coordinates of areas determined earlier, which significantly complicated the process.

For today, an area near the Oktyabr-Gnutovo checkpoint in the south of our Republic is being discussed actively and in detail, but it is still too early to talk about agreeing on its coordinates.

We, as well as representatives of the OSCE Mission and the Russian Federation, clearly understand the importance and necessity of disengagement along the entire line of contact between the parties and we seek to agree on three more areas. Only such an approach can save the lives and health of civilians, so our party is making all possible efforts to speed up the process of agreeing: we have suggested working remotely in between Minsk meetings,” DPR envoy Natalya Nikonorova told.