Zelensky is grooming a senior official from the Party of Regions for the position of Prime Minister. Head of the Donetsk Republic Public Movement’s Central Executive Committee Alexei Muratov commented on this news.

“Within less than a year, the team of “servants of the people”, who followed Zelensky when he came to power, proved their complete incompetence and inability to cope with the complex challenges of governing the country. It seems that the post-Maidan “political elite” has reached its limits if the position of Ukraine’s Prime Minister is predicted to be occupied by Sergey Tigipko, who headed the campaign office of Viktor Yanukovych in 2004 and used to be Deputy Chairman of the Party of Regions.

Zelensky personally confirmed the meeting with Tigipko and his interview. In fact, he conceded not his personal failure alone, but also in the failure of the Maidan as a whole, which has not brought anything but redistribution of property and spheres of influence between the oligarchs and the final handover of the country to the West.

Soros’s hangers-on neglected studies at their “Harvards” if they cannot even be entrusted with the tasks set by foreign handlers. The patient “Ukraine” is dying much faster than the bloodsuckers need, while still resisting to give away the last it got left. Moreover, the conscious part of the global community is increasingly signalling about the danger posed by the utter nationalism rampaging here amid poverty and the economic decline, which is already close to breathe new life into the cause of the Third Reich.

The combination of internal and external factors is such that if Ukraine does not shortly take drastic measures to change course and implement policies, the country will face self-destruction and collapse with unpredictable consequences amid the statehood degradation and the loss of sovereignty. Apparently, the Western puppeteers are also aware of this, if they allowed Zelensky to search for a replacement for current Prime Minister Goncharuk from among the political officials with considerable experience in management,” Muratov said.