News - DPR Official site - страница 59


[16:03 | 23 Jan 2020]
Retirement payments are mandatory for all pensioners in the DPR — DPR Pension Fund Head
[15:58 | 23 Jan 2020]
Ukraine holds no attractions for investors as everything has been plundered by the authorities a long time ago — DPR activist
[15:55 | 23 Jan 2020]
Speaking about the forceful option to return Donbass, Ukraine should recollect the Debaltsevo and Ilovaisk pockets — DPR People’s Council deputy
[15:53 | 23 Jan 2020]
The enemy again shelled localities of the Republic, damages recorded — DPR PMD
[17:46 | 22 Jan 2020]
Kiev takes advantage of escalating the conflict in Donbass — DPR official
[17:17 | 22 Jan 2020]
The possibility of a military operation against the Donbass Republics and their civilians is being considered at the highest level in Ukraine — DPR People’s Council deputy
[16:53 | 22 Jan 2020]
The AFU engaged the Republic with mortars, grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms — DPR PMD
[16:44 | 22 Jan 2020]
Ukrainian authorities have to realize that the parties to the conflict are Donbass and Kiev — Natalya Nikonorova
[16:14 | 22 Jan 2020]
DPR Public Chamber proposes to introduce a new environmental project
[14:16 | 22 Jan 2020]
A new round of information war against Donbass residents has begun upon Zelensky’s assumption of power — DPR Information Ministry representative
[13:45 | 22 Jan 2020]
A sniper unit operates near Dolomitnoye, casualties reported — DPR People’s Militia
[13:39 | 22 Jan 2020]
The victims of the attack on the Bosse subdistrict were commemorated in Donetsk
[13:20 | 22 Jan 2020]
Cities, towns and districts of the Republic have received new municipal equipment
[12:05 | 22 Jan 2020]
If the AFU dare to solve the conflict by force, they will get a very tough response from us — DPR parliamentarian
[11:50 | 22 Jan 2020]
Zelensky’s team has no intention to settle the conflict diplomatically and implement the Minsk Agreements — DPR public figure
[10:14 | 22 Jan 2020]
Our defenders will not let the AFU seize our towns — DPR citizen
[09:45 | 22 Jan 2020]
The AFU attacked Republic localities with mortars — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[18:09 | 21 Jan 2020]
Parliamentarians reported on their working visit to the Crimea
[17:09 | 21 Jan 2020]
Proposals to exterminate the residents of the entire region are openly discussed in Ukraine — DPR official
[16:35 | 21 Jan 2020]
Ukraine’s Education and Science Minister cares about her own welfare only, not the education issues — DPR school principal
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