News - DPR Official site - страница 63


[16:42 | 14 Jan 2020]
A press conference with political prisoners set free of Ukrainian captivity in September 2019 was held in Donetsk
[15:43 | 14 Jan 2020]
Journalist Elena Blokha presented in Donetsk her book entitled “Ninety Days of Captivity”
[15:40 | 14 Jan 2020]
A DPR People’s Council deputy delivered presents to children of the Novoazovsky district
[15:28 | 14 Jan 2020]
The AFU fired at the Republic’s territory with mortars, anti-aircraft mounts, anti-tank grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms — DPR PMD
[14:23 | 14 Jan 2020]
Our state takes care of education and upbringing of the future generation — Vladislav Berdichevsky
[13:35 | 14 Jan 2020]
The Donetsk Republic Public Movement and the People’s Patrol organized a party for Yasinovataya children [video]
[13:27 | 14 Jan 2020]
The tragedy of Zelensky’s situation lies in his utter helplessness — DPR official
[13:08 | 14 Jan 2020]
Kiev’s course set for Russophobia and rewriting history resembles tilting at windmills — DPR People’s Council deputy
[11:43 | 14 Jan 2020]
Preparations for the Victory Day celebration have been launched in the Republic [photos]
[10:04 | 14 Jan 2020]
Zelensky demands that Iran be punished for downing the Boeing — Alexey Muratov
[10:01 | 14 Jan 2020]
Statement by the DPR Foreign Minister regarding the country’s decentralization project that the Ukrainian parliament pursues
[17:20 | 13 Jan 2020]
Maryana Naumova paid a humanitarian visit to children of the Republic’s frontline districts [video]
[16:11 | 13 Jan 2020]
Zelensky again did a media stunt on blood — citizen from Donetsk
[16:06 | 13 Jan 2020]
Any steps to resolve the Donbass conflict must be discussed with DPR and LPR representatives — DPR People’s Council deputy
[16:05 | 13 Jan 2020]
Ukraine is losing its subjectivity and sovereignty in international relations due to Zelensky’s powerlessness — DPR official
[15:07 | 13 Jan 2020]
The enemy keeps shelling the Republic’s localities — DPR PMD
[15:00 | 13 Jan 2020]
DRPM’s Public Staff helped Great Patriotic War veterans in Kievsky District of Donetsk
[14:07 | 13 Jan 2020]
Ukraine has more sects than the whole of Europe — DPR People’s Council deputy
[10:13 | 13 Jan 2020]
The AFU fired on Leninskoye — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[09:48 | 13 Jan 2020]
Ukrainian authorities encourage radicals’ activities — DPR official
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