News - DPR Official site - страница 84


[15:13 | 19 Nov 2019]
The AFU are firing from previously disengaged positions on the Petrovskoye-Bogdanovka site — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[14:57 | 19 Nov 2019]
The AFU violated the ceasefire thirteen times over the past day — DPR PMD
[12:44 | 19 Nov 2019]
Eight Republic’s localities came under AFU fire — the DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[14:51 | 18 Nov 2019]
Ukrainian militants fired 120 different munitions on the Republic over past day — Rinat Aigistov
[14:18 | 18 Nov 2019]
Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin supports the initiative to establish an Ecology International Scientific and Technological Center
[13:34 | 18 Nov 2019]
No-one has the power to intimidate Donbass — a DPR citizen
[11:41 | 18 Nov 2019]
We will continue integration with Russia no matter what — a Donetsk citizen
[10:54 | 18 Nov 2019]
Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin says Kiev’s plans to deport Donbass people are chimeric
[10:12 | 18 Nov 2019]
Ten Republic’s localities came under AFU fire, residential buildings are damaged — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[18:40 | 17 Nov 2019]
DPR People’s Militia keeps detecting nationalist units’ arrival to the contact line
[17:51 | 17 Nov 2019]
A residential building is damaged by AFU shelling in Staromikhailovka
[16:14 | 17 Nov 2019]
Donbass people will never return to the fascist Ukraine — a DPR citizen
[18:36 | 16 Nov 2019]
Ukrainian militants launch provocative fire on the south front — DPR PMD
[18:34 | 16 Nov 2019]
Kiev power openly declares that Ukraine does not need people who think differently — Donetsk citizen
[18:33 | 16 Nov 2019]
Eight localities came under AFU fire — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[17:36 | 15 Nov 2019]
DPR Emergencies Ministry sappers demine the territory near Petrovskoye [photos&video])
[16:16 | 15 Nov 2019]
Donetsk Republic Public Movement activists provided aid to a Debaltsevo resident [photos]
[16:10 | 15 Nov 2019]
Denis Pushilin awarded state decorations to the military of the Somalia assault battalion named after Mikhail Tolstykh
[16:06 | 15 Nov 2019]
Germany and Estonia support Donetsk Yunarmeites’ initiative
[14:54 | 15 Nov 2019]
Power supply has been restored to Vesyoloye village residents [video]
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