November, 2019 | DPR Official site - страница 12


[11:40 | 7 Nov 2019]
Donetsk Republic activists distributed humanitarian aid among residents of the Republic
[17:35 | 6 Nov 2019]
Children from frontline Gorlovka shared their drawings with Italian peers [photos]
[17:31 | 6 Nov 2019]
DPR power engineers urgently restored power supply to villages de-energized by the AFU shelling
[16:32 | 6 Nov 2019]
OSCE Mission stands ready to coordinate an extraordinary Contact Group meeting — Natalya Nikonorova
[14:43 | 6 Nov 2019]
The Republic distributes targeted humanitarian aid
[13:40 | 6 Nov 2019]
The AFU fired 159 various munitions on the Republic’s territory over past day — DPR PMD
[12:46 | 6 Nov 2019]
Ukraine has turned into an incubator for white racists with the connivance of the ruling elite — Alexander Kurenkov
[12:02 | 6 Nov 2019]
The only course for Donbass is to integrate with Russia — Vladislav Berdichevsky
[11:27 | 6 Nov 2019]
Compatriots receive lump sums as part of the Humanitarian Program
[10:05 | 6 Nov 2019]
Donetsk, Gorlovka and frontline villages came under AFU fire, there is devastation — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[18:02 | 5 Nov 2019]
The DPR Public Chamber considered the Republic’s investment environment improvement
[17:30 | 5 Nov 2019]
DPR Central Bank plans to launch a utility bill payment service via payment kiosks
[17:03 | 5 Nov 2019]
A residential building caught fire as the AFU fired on Kominternovo — DPR Representation to the JCCC
[16:48 | 5 Nov 2019]
The DPR has initiated an extraordinary meeting of the Contact Group via videoconferencing — Natalya Nikonorova
[16:45 | 5 Nov 2019]
New ambulances will be delivered to the Republic
[14:27 | 5 Nov 2019]
A house is damaged in Zaytsevo by AFU mortar shelling — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[14:23 | 5 Nov 2019]
The enemy fired 167 munitions on the Republic’s territory over the past day — DPR PMD
[13:11 | 5 Nov 2019]
Deputies of the Free Donbass faction organized an event “Our Strength Is In The People’s Unity”
[13:08 | 5 Nov 2019]
Donetsk has retained the title of one of the world’s cleanest cities — DPR Amenities and Utility Services Chief
[10:22 | 5 Nov 2019]
An LPR People’s Militia military was killed in the shelling of Donetsky village
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