March, 2020 | DPR Official site - страница 14


[15:41 | 2 Mar 2020]
The Republic is actively working to improve its investment climate — Evgeny Lavrenov
[14:26 | 2 Mar 2020]
People’s Council MPs conducted a Sunday tour in a zoo for children
[13:31 | 2 Mar 2020]
Two civilians have suffered injuries as a result of a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group’s attack — LPR People’s Militia
[13:29 | 2 Mar 2020]
The AFU were firing at the Republic’s territory with mortars, various rocket launchers and small arms — DPR PMD
[11:39 | 2 Mar 2020]
Criminal proceedings have been initiated for a civilian’s wounding at the Elenovka checkpoint
[10:09 | 2 Mar 2020]
The AFU were firing at Donetsk, Yasinovataya, Gorlovka and frontline villages — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[16:33 | 1 Mar 2020]
The DPR Representative Office to the JCCC has presented the evidence of firing at Alexandrovka with IFV guns
[16:23 | 1 Mar 2020]
The AFU may step up IFV guns’ engagement on the contact line — DPR PMD
[15:20 | 1 Mar 2020]
The AFU opened fire on Republic localities twenty-two times — DPR PMD
[12:54 | 1 Mar 2020]
Urgent statement from the DPR People’s Militia Directorate
[09:54 | 1 Mar 2020]
Emergency statement from the DPR People’s Militia regarding the wounding of a civilian on February 28
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