News - DPR Official site - страница 34


[13:56 | 16 Mar 2020]
Emergency statement from the People’s Militia Directorate on Sakhanka’s shelling by Ukrainian militants
[11:28 | 16 Mar 2020]
Seven localities were de-energized by AFU shelling in the Novoazovsky district
[10:47 | 16 Mar 2020]
Gorlovka, Donetsk and several frontline villages came under AFU shelling — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[10:38 | 16 Mar 2020]
Zelensky’s ultimatum to Putin can only be explained by a mental disorder of the Ukrainian leader — DPR parliamentarian
[10:22 | 16 Mar 2020]
Ukraine imposes restrictions in relation to people crossing the contact line
[09:58 | 16 Mar 2020]
The DPR PMD’s urgent statement on the shelling of Bezymennoye
[18:57 | 15 Mar 2020]
Ukraine feigns fulfilment of the Minsk accords — Vladislav Berdichevsky
[18:42 | 15 Mar 2020]
Urgent statement by the DPR People’s Militia
[18:32 | 15 Mar 2020]
Official comment from the DPR Representative Office to the JCCC following Ukraine’s decision to impose restrictions on checkpoints’ crossing
[17:43 | 15 Mar 2020]
The AFU engaged Republic localities thirty-four times over the past 24 hours — DPR PMD
[18:49 | 14 Mar 2020]
Parliamentarians organized a visit to the Kosmos Circus for Uglegorsk children
[18:35 | 14 Mar 2020]
The Signalnoye resident, who was wounded due to shelling, died — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[18:32 | 14 Mar 2020]
Power lines sustained damage as the AFU fired at the Gagarin mine’s village — DPR PMD
[17:52 | 14 Mar 2020]
Four civilians got wounded in AFU shelling in a day — DPR PMD
[17:43 | 14 Mar 2020]
The Health Ministry’s statement on the coronavirus situation
[16:53 | 13 Mar 2020]
There are no confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in the Republic — Operational Headquarters
[15:51 | 13 Mar 2020]
The Room of Memory dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and the War in Donbass is opening up in Donetsk
[15:48 | 13 Mar 2020]
Over 100 persons received medical care through the Humanitarian Programme in a week
[15:23 | 13 Mar 2020]
The enemy engaged prohibited weapons — Eduard Basurin
[15:17 | 13 Mar 2020]
They AFU opened fire on the Republic twelve times over the past 24 hours — Eduard Basurin
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