News - DPR Official site - страница 44


[12:36 | 21 Feb 2020]
The military got care packages and greeting cards from children on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day
[11:39 | 21 Feb 2020]
Western ideology is attempting to supplant the cultural values ​​of our people — DPR Culture Minister
[11:10 | 21 Feb 2020]
Donetsk city-center hosted a rally dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day
[09:59 | 21 Feb 2020]
Four more houses were damaged by AFU attacks on the Republic over the past 24 hours — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[09:38 | 21 Feb 2020]
Children of the fallen soldiers visited the Museum of Military and Labor Glory
[09:25 | 21 Feb 2020]
The DPR PMD issued an urgent statement on the shelling of Dolomitnoye
[17:51 | 20 Feb 2020]
Zelensky’s demand to close down DPR Representative Centers fails to comply with Italian law — Natalya Nikonorova
[16:26 | 20 Feb 2020]
Donetsk hosted the 2nd congress of the DPR Trade Unions Federation
[15:40 | 20 Feb 2020]
A twinning agreement with the LPR city of Antratsyt has been signed in Donetsk
[15:31 | 20 Feb 2020]
Ukrainian politicians always prioritize their personal interests, so they are capable of committing any crime to defend them — DPR People’s Council deputy
[15:21 | 20 Feb 2020]
Zelensky’s hypocrisy and cynicism are in high favour with his overseas handlers — DPR parliamentarian
[15:02 | 20 Feb 2020]
Donetsk Railway celebrated its 150th anniversary
[14:36 | 20 Feb 2020]
DPR PMD spokesman gave the details of yesterday’s mortar attack on Signalnoye by the AFU
[14:23 | 20 Feb 2020]
The AFU opened fire on Republic localities 16 times over the past 24 hours — DPR PMD
[12:57 | 20 Feb 2020]
The first Bone Tissue Preservation Department in Donbass has been opened in the Republican Trauma Center
[12:06 | 20 Feb 2020]
Altering history is a way for Ukrainian nationalists to clear their names — DPR Minister of Culture
[10:57 | 20 Feb 2020]
Ukraine set up a “tariff race” to bleed the citizens for money — DPR Minister
[10:29 | 20 Feb 2020]
A residential building and a vehicle sustained damage due to mortar shelling by the AFU — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[10:11 | 20 Feb 2020]
Ukrainian authorities are keeping on Poroshenko’s policy to drag out the negotiation process and simulate a peaceful regulation — Natalya Nikonorova
[09:25 | 20 Feb 2020]
Emergency statement by the DPR PMD
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