News - DPR Official site - страница 61


[17:33 | 18 Jan 2020]
Banning the use of Ukrainian passports in the Republic is out of question — Denis Pushilin
[17:03 | 17 Jan 2020]
New laws of Ukraine consolidate extreme Russophobia and nationalism — DPR school principal
[16:44 | 17 Jan 2020]
Gambling going legal in Ukraine plunges the country into another criminal swamp — DPR public figure
[15:50 | 17 Jan 2020]
No matter how the Ukrainian authorities try to alter the meaning of the Minsk Agreements to their advantage, they will not succeed — Natalya Nikonorova
[14:24 | 17 Jan 2020]
Ukrainian militants fired more than twenty shells at the Republic’s localities over past week — Eduard Basurin
[14:19 | 17 Jan 2020]
The enemy attacked the Republic with grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms — Eduard Basurin
[13:07 | 17 Jan 2020]
Patients received medical care under the Humanitarian Programme for the Donbass People Reunification
[12:46 | 17 Jan 2020]
ARVI and influenza incidence rate lowered in the Republic over week
[11:48 | 17 Jan 2020]
Three localities of the Republic came under AFU fire — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[10:55 | 17 Jan 2020]
The creation of a memorial to Ukrainian heroes will alienate Russian-cultured people from the Ukrainian statehood even greater — DPR deputy
[09:42 | 17 Jan 2020]
Ukraine sabotages the fulfilment of its commitments under the Complex of Measures and the Normandy Four’s final communique — DPR Foreign Ministry
[18:18 | 16 Jan 2020]
Accredited humanitarian missions assist the reconstruction process in the Republic
[17:47 | 16 Jan 2020]
Minsk hosted discussion about possible locations of potential disengagement areas — DPR Foreign Affairs Ministry
[17:38 | 16 Jan 2020]
The Economic Development Ministry presented the DPR Food Balance system
[16:56 | 16 Jan 2020]
The cost of basic products has not changed in the Republic
[16:38 | 16 Jan 2020]
A comment from Daria Morozova on the failed meeting of the humanitarian subgroup
[16:14 | 16 Jan 2020]
Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin held a meeting with mayors of towns, cities and districts
[16:10 | 16 Jan 2020]
A scheduled Contact Group meeting has begun in Minsk
[15:49 | 16 Jan 2020]
Russia helps promote the Forensic Service’s work in the DPR — Republican Forensic Medical Bureau Head
[15:02 | 16 Jan 2020]
Missing persons’ relatives have been issued genetic passports in Donetsk
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