Video - DPR Official site - страница 11


[14:22 | 24 Dec 2019]
The Humanitarian Programme will continue being successfully implemented — DPR Healthcare Minister
[17:19 | 23 Dec 2019]
Children of the boarding school No. 29 received winter clothes brought by “Father Frost” from Russia
[17:15 | 23 Dec 2019]
A monument has been installed to the journalists who had perished in Donbass [video]
[15:33 | 20 Dec 2019]
The process of gradual pay rise will continue — Denis Pushilin
[15:20 | 20 Dec 2019]
We need to eliminate barriers that interfere with convenient border crossing of our citizens — Denis Pushilin
[14:57 | 20 Dec 2019]
Denis Pushilin has announced an alternative Republic payment system
[14:24 | 20 Dec 2019]
We must make every effort so that people will be able to feel real changes for the better in the coming year — Denis Pushilin
[14:21 | 20 Dec 2019]
Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin assisted in the restoration of elevator facilities in Ilovaysk
[11:48 | 20 Dec 2019]
Head of State focused on the readiness of urban services for deteriorating weather conditions
[11:05 | 20 Dec 2019]
Denis Pushilin recommended that the mayors give more attention to the work on citizens’ appeals
[10:39 | 20 Dec 2019]
Head of the DPR considers it reasonable to call off the curfew in the village of Sedovo by the next holiday season
[10:17 | 20 Dec 2019]
Denis Pushilin held a working meeting with mayors of cities, towns and districts
[16:24 | 19 Dec 2019]
Representatives of the Volunteer Squad and the Public Chamber delivered humanitarian aid to pensioners
[14:12 | 19 Dec 2019]
DPR People’s Militia adopts new control and air defense systems [video]
[13:36 | 19 Dec 2019]
Denis Pushilin talked with pupils of the Donetsk Republic Palace of Children’s and Youth Creativity (photos)
[12:41 | 19 Dec 2019]
The 96th humanitarian convoy from Russia’s EMERCOM has arrived in the Donetsk People’s Republic
[11:35 | 19 Dec 2019]
The DPR People’s Militia and the Humanitarian Team Angel gave presents to children from Gorlovka villages
[16:30 | 18 Dec 2019]
The enemy engaged populated localities of the Republic again — DPR People’s Militia
[14:44 | 18 Dec 2019]
Cultural organizations of the Republic are expanding their cooperation with Russia
[13:59 | 18 Dec 2019]
Joint statement by Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik (photos & video)
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