News - DPR Official site - страница 53


[10:01 | 4 Feb 2020]
The AFU stepped up attacks on the airport environs and frontline villages — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[17:30 | 3 Feb 2020]
Yermak’s statement evidences Kiev’s inability to implement the Minsk Agreements — parlamentarian
[16:42 | 3 Feb 2020]
Ukraine’s new official representative to the humanitarian subgroup should be guided by humanitarian principles only — Darya Morozova
[15:51 | 3 Feb 2020]
The AFU keep attacking the Slavyanoserbsk front — LPR People’s Militia
[14:46 | 3 Feb 2020]
The AFU engaged mortars, grenade launchers and heavy machine guns at the territory of the Republic — DPR PMD
[14:31 | 3 Feb 2020]
Zelensky is rapidly losing the support of his own nation — Alexey Muratov
[13:33 | 3 Feb 2020]
Denis Pushilin inspected the progress in renovating the outpatient clinic in the village of Lidiyevka Mine
[13:25 | 3 Feb 2020]
Ukrainian militants again attacked Staromikhailovka, damages reported — DPR PMD
[12:56 | 3 Feb 2020]
DPR Health Ministry reported on the epidemiologic situation in the Republic
[12:32 | 3 Feb 2020]
Coal miners of the Republic exceeded the goal set for January
[11:52 | 3 Feb 2020]
We need to end up with the complete curfew abolition in stages — DPR Head Denis Pushilin
[11:25 | 3 Feb 2020]
Revenue from fare increases will go to wage hikes — Denis Pushilin
[10:43 | 3 Feb 2020]
A comment by the DPR Foreign Minister regarding the statements by Ukrainian negotiator Andrei Yermak
[10:04 | 3 Feb 2020]
Four localities came under AFU fire — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[16:26 | 2 Feb 2020]
Over the years of confrontation, our people have learned the right way to look on fakes — Denis Pushilin
[15:59 | 2 Feb 2020]
About 150 people are detained by Ukraine — Ombudsperson’s Office
[15:06 | 2 Feb 2020]
The AFU shelled localities of the Republic eight times — DPR PMD
[16:24 | 1 Feb 2020]
Donetsk hosted a conference of the Forum for the Salvation of Mariupol
[15:06 | 1 Feb 2020]
The AFU engaged all the fronts — DPR People’s Militia
[14:12 | 1 Feb 2020]
Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin congratulated the military on the five-year anniversary of the 1st Guards Special Forces Battalion
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