News - DPR Official site - страница 73


[09:41 | 13 Dec 2019]
The working group held a meeting on the implementation of decisions following the International Investment Forum in Donetsk
[17:22 | 12 Dec 2019]
The Minsk Agreements have no alternative and must be strictly observed — Youth Parliament member
[17:12 | 12 Dec 2019]
Ukrainian militants fired on Shyrokaya Balka locality — DPR PMD
[16:51 | 12 Dec 2019]
Youth Parliament deputy discussed the Normandy Format negotiation results with students
[16:42 | 12 Dec 2019]
The DPR Public Chamber summed up its work for 2019
[15:33 | 12 Dec 2019]
Ukrainian militants fired seventeen various rounds on the Republic over the past day — DPR PMD
[13:48 | 12 Dec 2019]
Instead of provocative stove-piping, the Ukrainian party had better focus on preparing constructive proposals on the implementation of the Measures Package’s political items — Natalya Nikonorova
[13:27 | 12 Dec 2019]
Donetsk hosted a briefing in follow-up to the youth circus art festival “Circus of Our Childhood” (photos)
[13:12 | 12 Dec 2019]
DPR development programs for 2020 have been presented by the Ministry for Economic Development
[12:29 | 12 Dec 2019]
The Ukrainian party has failed to fulfill its disengagement obligations near Petrovskoye — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[12:03 | 12 Dec 2019]
The 95th humanitarian convoy from Russia’s EMERCOM has arrived in the Donetsk People’s Republic (photo)
[11:07 | 12 Dec 2019]
Eight localities came under AFU fire — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[10:22 | 12 Dec 2019]
Residents of Yasinovataya received aid as part of the Public Staff for Frontline Areas’ work
[09:48 | 12 Dec 2019]
Urgent statement from the DPR PMD
[19:27 | 11 Dec 2019]
Ukraine demonstrates its absolute disrespect for the effort the leaders of Russia, France and Germany put into elaborating and agreeing on the wording of the communique — Natalya Nikonova
[19:24 | 11 Dec 2019]
Ukrainian militants again engaged frontline villages by the line of contact — DPR PMD
[16:32 | 11 Dec 2019]
A panel for state building issues operated within summing up the Support of the Donetsk People’s Republic contest’s results
[16:06 | 11 Dec 2019]
Donetsk Republic activists delivered humanitarian aid to Ozyeryanovka residents [photos]
[15:48 | 11 Dec 2019]
Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin’s statement on the Normandy Four communique’s having been tampered with
[15:40 | 11 Dec 2019]
Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin commented on the published text of the communique from the Normandy Four’s summit
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