News - DPR Official site - страница 39


[09:26 | 5 Mar 2020]
Residents of a frontline village have been provided with essential medications
[17:40 | 4 Mar 2020]
Public activists delivered humanitarian aid to residents of frontline districts
[17:31 | 4 Mar 2020]
Electricians have restored the power supply to Signalnoye
[17:14 | 4 Mar 2020]
The Republic is starting new joint projects with Russia
[16:52 | 4 Mar 2020]
IMF will not let Ukraine escape debt slavery — Roman Lepa
[16:03 | 4 Mar 2020]
An LPR People’s Militia military was killed as the Republic’s territory came under fire
[15:47 | 4 Mar 2020]
Our Republic is steadily and consistently converging with the Russian Federation — Alexey Muratov
[15:42 | 4 Mar 2020]
Four Star of the DPR Hero memorial signs have been installed in Shakhtyorsk
[15:19 | 4 Mar 2020]
Frontline Dokuchayevsk hosted a parade for one veteran
[14:59 | 4 Mar 2020]
DPR PMD’s emergency statement on the attack on a bus in Dokuchayevsk
[14:59 | 4 Mar 2020]
Two persons suffered injuries in the shelling of Dokuchayevsk
[14:52 | 4 Mar 2020]
Famous Russian athlete Pavel Massov conducted a training for the People’s Patrol in Donetsk
[13:51 | 4 Mar 2020]
A female civilian got wounded in an AFU attack on Dokuchayevsk — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[13:24 | 4 Mar 2020]
The enemy engaged all the fronts, damage to housing stock reported — DPR PMD
[10:21 | 4 Mar 2020]
Gorlovka hosted a round-table meeting dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory
[09:58 | 4 Mar 2020]
The AFU engaged mortars at Donetsk, Gorlovka and a Republic village — DPR Representative Office to the JCCC
[09:57 | 4 Mar 2020]
Three DPR localities were cut off power by AFU shelling
[09:24 | 4 Mar 2020]
The DPR PMD’s emergency statement regarding the shelling of Signalnoye
[17:28 | 3 Mar 2020]
The Chairman of the People’s Council met with a delegation from South Ossetia
[17:15 | 3 Mar 2020]
The Public Chamber has approved a roadmap for improving the investment climate in the DPR
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